
Der Aquastop (auch Wasserstopp oder Waterblock ) ist für leitungsgebundene Trinkwasseranlagen, Waschmachinen und Spülmaschinen, Kaffeeautomaten mit Festwasseranschluss und Umkehrosmoseanlagen geeignet. Als Sicherheitsmechanismus verhindert der Aquastop bei einem Defekt die weitere Wasserzufuhr. A water block is the watercooling equivalent of a heatsink. Weiteres Bild melden Melde das anstößige Bild. It can be used on many different computer components, including the central processing unit (CPU) , GPU, PPU, and Northbridge chipset on the motherboard.

Buy products related to cpu water block products and see what customers say about cpu water block products on Amazon. FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Welcome to XSPC - Leading manufacturers of high-performance water cooling components and accessories.

Pacific WCPU Water Block -A full copper base CPU water block , constructed with four colors of LED back-lit Thermaltake logo, providing exceptional heat transfer and cooling performance. The all-new Pacific WRGB CPU Water Block features a RGB LE 0. PMMA cover, and a universal mounting mechanism that offers error-free as well as no-tools installation. Thermaltake VGA Water Block for ASUS STRIX-GTX 980-The Pacific V-GTX 9VGA Water Block is constructed with CNC machined copper base and high quality POM top, only for ASUS Strix-GTX 980. The Water Block valve is an overflow safety device, which controls the maximum consumption of water between and litres.

Its function is to measure the number of litres of water that have passed through it. If this quantity exceeds the set value, the Water Block stops the flow and keeps this safety condition until user. Alphacool kühlt derzeit 9Grafikkarten mit 2passenden Kühlern. Anleitung zum Konfigurator . Flashing Products with Superior features and benefits for waterproofing. Artikel - Die kleinen Kühlkörper sind eine perfekte Ergänzung zum Kühlen von diversen elektronischen Bauteilen.

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